Lipo battery charger
Lipo battery charger

lipo battery charger

So, if the cells in your battery pack aren’t balanced properly, it is possible to overcharge one or more cells.

lipo battery charger

Instead, it will only look at the overall voltage. This function allows your battery to be charged faster, but it generally does not monitor or balance the voltage of individual cells. Some batteries can also have built-in battery monitors and balancers, which you can check before picking a charger. This makes it so that one or more cells don’t under or over discharge, which can cause battery failure. This is a critical monitoring step in order to prevent damage to the battery itself as it allows the battery’s voltages to remain even throughout. This function checks the voltages of each cell in a battery pack and ensures that they all have the same voltage. If you need to insert a balancing lead from the battery into your charger while charging, that means that your charger can balance the charge.

lipo battery charger

Not to be confused with charging, balance charging is generally available on most RC chargers.

Lipo battery charger